I have this thing with Paper.
Cutting it. Writing on it. Gluing bits together. Wrapping gifts in paper, Reading words on it.
See my paper creations here.
There is something tangilble. Something about the tecture against the hand that taps into the intuitive nature. something anout the ease + the delicacy. The temporary yet permanent nature. The strength + the ephemeral notes.
Obviously I love PAPER + STORIES so when I came across Béatrice Coron she was an instant inspiration as she leads us through her creative process. I love that her path to being an artist was not linear, and she found this art form when she was 40.
I also enjoy Coron's play on words and her creative manifestations. I am drawn to the content of her art and the web her stories weaves.
Be Wonderful
RESOURCE: “With scissors and paper, artist Béatrice Coron creates intricate worlds, cities and countries, heavens and hells.”
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