H is for HAPPINESS. Always reminding myself that happiness is within me. So if I am seeking fulfilment outside myself it is time to recenter.
Life (CYCLE)
death is an illusion.
The S P I R I T lives on.
Full Circle
(lightness in the face of all circumstances).
Lightness vs. Heaviness — a letting go.
Lightness of touch... on the earth. on self. on others.
LIGHT of being.
LIGHT of knowledge.
LIGHTNESS is expansion
Read MoreDialogue with Mother Earth
I AM starting a conscious dialogue with Mother Earth + all her representations in nature as I come into contact with them
If all is ONE, She (gaia) is our Collective Body.
I am learning how important openning up to this form of communication is. As I do I explore the symbology of nurturing + the feminine aspect of our being.
Time in nature is part of my path to nourishing my intuitive self. I listen in.
Read MoreExplorations in Light (Radiance in the Everyday)
radiance ˈreɪdɪəns/
n.1. light or great joy or love as emitted or reflected by something or someone (apparent in expression or presence). "the radiance within always shines + never dies" 2. a glowing quality. synonyms: light, shining, brightness, brilliance, luminosity, glow, sparkle, splendid, magnificence, brillance
Being a witness to RADIANCE in the everyday reminds me to live life fully! Below is an excercise in documenting the finds through the camera lens + working with one of my favourite muses - the flower, Bougainvillea glabra or Paper Fower.
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