Design (School for Life)

A while back I was exploring what I learned in Design school and how it can be applied to life. I have a new found desire to complete all this ideas I have been holding on to and let them finally be completed and let out in to the world - or discarded if that is their fate.

These are the 7 principals of Interior Alchemy and their relationship to the Architectre and Interior Design process.


There is a process called PROGRAMMING where you learn everything you can about your project. How many? How much space? What do you want to accomplish? What are the requirements?  what is the deadline? Budget? Preferences?

In life this is the foundations of SELF-DISCOVERY. 


SCHEMATIC DESIGN + feasibility Is the next phase where you explore design possibilities of the space. This exploration phase looks at different layouts for your space. You start to set up guiding principles and concepts, choosing words as guides, setting intentions for your space.

Imagination amplifies the inner journey - In life you take stock of your values + dream up life possibilities that align with these values and your intentions. You usually come here when you are making life decisions.


DESIGN DEVELOPMENT is where you eliminate the designs that are not working and embrace what is working - you get clear on your path. While working with the parameters you start to pin down and work on the finer details.

Freedom is saying yes to life. It is where we delve into simplicity. Shedding clearing and letting go of old paradigms. Simplicity brings ease and grace.


a continuation of design development. Inquire and experience.

In life you Nourish dreams.


CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS are where you draw out all the details of the design,all the space planning is set, the walls and fixtures are set, now you need the blueprint to deliver to the contractor so this can become physical reality.

In life you make time and space for the creation of the vision. This is communication -expression  of truth.


CONSTRUCTION/ CONSTRUCTION ADMIN phase where the building that has been designed is finally being built or remodeled. The contractor is onboard and making all those 2d drawing into 3d reality. You make revisions based on site conditions and you make final decisions based on what is now available.

In life we Infuse our daily activities with our desires. We EVOLVE - moving forward and deepening awareness. Being more compassionate to self and others.

We take ACTION. a knowing arises that we are on the right path. Righting limiting beliefs through action. Purpose flows when our actions are filled with our values. When we connect to the flow of life energy within - this is happiness.


POST OCCUPANCY EVALUATION. Interior Designers often go back an check in on their clients to see how htings are going, how are the designs working in real life. This is time for real time feedback.

In life we see where EASE and patience are unfolding in the heart. We give self permission and Spaciousness. We seek Balance- honouring self and journey + process.

We seek HARMONY in all relationships - not taking things personally. Freedom of self expression unconditional love. Heart is learning to be open and trusting.

All of this requires great COMPASSION and space for alterations as the needs arise and for mistakes to be embraced and upgraded as necessary.

Be Wonderful


interiors | Imagination | Inspiration