Dear Goddess Self,
You sound so regal almost from another time. Like you are the ancient self that comes through when I truly let go. You are a natural essence that comes through when I am just being. You often reveal glimpses of yourself when I dance or when in deep contemplation. When I am naturally confident, you are there.
I have not nurtured your presence as I should. You seem to come with an other worldliness that I can identify in others more easily than in myself. You are the I AM. You are the DIVINE. I know you are a powerful part of me that I am ready to embrace as the years pass. Perhaps wise self will show us how to drop any insecurities one by one so we can fully merge into one.
Goddess Self you are inner power, you are the magic seeker and the magic maker. You are self love and unconditional self acceptance. Thank you for guiding me into my full being. Thank you for helping me to uncover my inner wisdom.
Goddess self continue to breathe life into this body. I promise to nurture you more and show you more love. As we unleash our power in positive ways. Thank you for your MAGIC. Love ME
This is from a series of love letters I wrote to myself as prompted by Jolene - little olive bird.
Be Wonderful