Habits with Lunide - Coming Home to Your Creative Self

Welcome to Coming Home to your Creative Self - Inspired Interviews with Change Makers and Magic Seekers that I love and find Inspiring. I see the Creative Self as that part of each of us that is Soul-led and Co-creating with life - when we listen to its callings we find our way home to an inner sense of belonging.

Dr. Lunide Louis, Ph.d. is an inventor, podcaster, author, App creator and a triathlete! She wakes up every day to do something she loves - she is a Habit Psychologist by trade, helping innovators create winning habits so they can show up in their lives and do what inspires them!  From her well-known morning routine Podcast to her Habit App, to her iCover cleaning brush splash guard to her Smart iMirror - Lunide sees what everyone else has seen, but thinks what no one else has thought. 

I have been looking at how each person I interview embodies one of the cards I created for the Earth Offering Oracle and Lunide embodies the Choice: Decide to Decide card because she dives into the consistent daily choices people make and how these help people to thrive in the long term. In today’s episode we dive deeper into what lead Lunide to a career in Psychology and how discovering the habits of successful people has changed her life and the lives of others.

Show Notes:

Website: https://bestmorningroutineever.com/ 

App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1499091385 

IG: https://www.instagram.com/bestmorningroutine/  

FB Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/339709559955223.


Intro and Outro Music - Postcards by Jeremiah Johnson

“First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you're inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won't. Habit is persistence in practice.”
― Octavia Butler, Author